Modern Mongolia
There is typical situation facing a Mongolia traveling abroad before 1990. Being asked “where are you from? He will certainly answer” I’m from Mongolia. But this will usually elicit a second question: which Mongolia are you from, Chine’s Mongolia or Russia? It means that people now know that Mongolia is some where between Russia and China, but they are not sure that Mongolia is an independent country.
Mongolia imagines what our live will be like in the year 2050? Perhaps we will be flying off for a holiday on the moon. The survey suggests that friendship-one of the most important human relationships-will have changed dramatically. People will make friend through the Internet. Computers will have become absolutely essential by 2050. We will coordinate job, education and maybe relationships on the computers.
Most people believe that by 2050 robots will be doing the house work and we will be eating ready-made food. A lot of people think that we might only cook for fun in the future.
Pollution is something that seems to worry many people. Others even foresee that one there will have to pay for clean air just like we do now for clean water. Almost everyone thinks that there will be no cars in the city centers. Some even think that environmentally-friendly electric or solar-powered cars will have replaced the cars we use nowadays.Mongolians could be a good state, because Mongolians are intelligent and work.